Your Two Customers

the spark show Aug 26, 2019

Welcome to The Spark Show! 

In this episode, I'll be going over:

~ Who your 2 customers are as influencers

~ The #1 mistake influencers are making in their business

~ What you need to create a sustainable six-figure business

If we haven’t connected yet, my name is Gwen Lane and I help digital influencers build their brand, grow their following and monetize their influence. I’ve created a six-figure business through brand sponsorships and digital offers. 

So let’s dive in: let’s talk about your two customers. As an influencer, your two customers are brands and your audience. There are a lot of different ways to monetize but those two are usually where the money comes from. 

The most common ways to monetize are through advertising and affiliate marketing, where the brands are the ones paying you. And then there’s products, services and events where you’re selling something to your audience. 

And the #1 mistake influencers are making in their business is NOT monetizing their audience by offering something and selling something to your audience. And this is something I really want to talk about today, because most influencers go about this in the wrong way. 

Some people think that selling to their audience is wrong. Some have even called it being a sell out. But what if I put it this way: what if your audience had a problem and you had a solution? And they were willing to pay you for it? Would that be wrong? 

If you think about all these brands and companies, they are selling solutions. Apple sells phones and computers which allows us to connect with our loved ones and the rest of the world. Are they a sellout? Is it wrong for them to sell to their customers? They’re a business but they do provide a solution, they provide value. 

So as influencers, you may be able to help your audience with a certain challenge that they have. You gotta change that mindset to SELLING IS SERVING. You’re not gonna sell them something they don’t need, because they trust you. 

What you need to create a sustainable six figure business!

Here’s the thing, brand deals are great but if you think about it - it’s not a sustainable business model. It takes time and though I teach people how to do this, it’s very unpredictable. You don’t exactly know how many you’re gonna have the following month. 

And that’s why you need to have an influencer business plan, strategy, and system in place if you want to create a sustainable and impactful six-figure business. A lot of influencers go into this thinking they just want free stuff or brand deals and not as an entrepreneur or business owner. And that’s fine if you want to have a hobby, a time-consuming hobby. 

You have to start thinking about what you can offer to your audience that will serve them. What’s gonna make a huge difference in your business model is having a digital offer in place that you can sell over and over again and make predictable, sustainable, recurring revenue while you’re waiting for the brand deals to come in. 

What would it look like if you were able to know that you would be earning $1,000 in revenue every month on top of brand deals? Whether you got brand deals that month or not? Or even $3,000 a month? $5,000 a month? 

What would that look like for you? Would you quit your day job? Where would you book your next trip to? How would that feel? 

And most importantly, how would it feel if you could serve your audience on a deeper level? What if your audience is thanking you every day for how you helped them and how you changed their lives? 

It’s really important for you to get that clarity on what’s working right now and what’s not and I would love to talk to you and see if I can help you with your next steps to build a sustainable six-figure influencer business that makes money and makes an impact.

I’ve opened up my schedule for you to book a FREE breakthrough session with me to help you get that clarity! I only have a few spots open because I do have a hectic schedule, running two businesses, being an influencer, hosting a podcast so please make sure you only book a session if you fit the following criteria: 

  1. You truly want to make an impact on your audience and the world. If you just want to sell something to make money, this is NOT gonna work. I only want to work with people who want to make an impact.
  2. This is only for you if you are coachable and willing to take feedback. If you’re close-minded and not willing to receive guidance, then I can’t help you. Please only book a call with me if you’re ready to be coached and pushed outside of your comfort zone. 
  3. And lastly, you’re willing to take action and do the work to get results. This is not easy and does not happen overnight. But if you wanna make an impact and you’re willing to do what it takes, then definitely book a session with me!!!

If you fit this criteria, then book a free breakthrough session with me by going to

You’ll be directed to my calendar where you can book the free breakthrough session with me then please make sure you fill out the application right after to give me more details about where you’re at so we don’t waste anybody’s time.

Thank you so much for joining me in this episode and I’ll see you in the next one! 

Listen to the full episode here: 


Listen to Previous Episodes: 

Make Money as an Influencer with Less than 10k Followers

How Much Money You Can Make as an Influencer

What Brands Look For

How to Attract Brands and Get Noticed featuring Amy Tangerine

How to Build and Influencer Portfolio (and why you NEED one)

How to Get a Brand Deal


                   Connect with Gwen Lane

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