The CEO Mindset Featuring Ali Daniel

the spark show Sep 30, 2019

In this episode of The Spark Show, we're talking to business coach Ali Daniel about how to get into the CEO mindset so you can grow your business!

Ali is a business coach for aspiring and new online coaches who started her business from scratch and within a year and a half hit over $150K in sales. She helps people create soul-aligned coaching businesses that not only light them up, but create the impact, income, and location-freedom they crave.

She focuses on the mental, emotional, and strategic elements necessary to explode not only your business growth, but your personal growth and happiness. Her belief - if you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.

Family and travel are the most important things to her so she's always been driven by the mission to help parents spend more time at home with their kids and spur more travel adventures. 

You can connect with her at, on her podcast the Punch Drunk Soul podcast, @punchdrunksoul on Instagram and over in her Facebook group

We've talked about it before, and we can't stress it enough: mindset is what makes the difference between being successful in your business or not. 

Running your own business is hard. 

Staying the course is hard. 

Fighting fear is hard. 

But it CAN be done. 

We're SO excited to have Ali Daniel sharing her story with you guys in this episode. She takes a heart centered approach, which we love, and she shares so many great tips and insights to growing in alignment with your true passions. 

Book a call with me:

Listen to the full episode here: 


Listen to Previous Episodes: 

Pick your Platform

Build Your Influence on LinkedIn featuring Brittany Krystle

Dealing with Haters

Building a Unique Brand with your Personality featuring Tyler J McCall

Influence = Impact

Using your Influence for Good featuring Ashley Fultz

                       Connect with Ali Daniel

Website | InstagramFacebook

                         Connect with Gwen Lane

The Spark Society | InstagramFacebook



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