How to Be Your Own Producer

the spark show Oct 31, 2019

Welcome to The Spark Show! On this episode, I'm sharing some of my favorite tips and tricks for producing your own photoshoot.

I know it can seem like a lot, and sometimes you wonder HOW you'll ever be able to create the beautiful content you see online, but I promise, everyone can do it.

Even if you're just starting out, or doing this on your own, you can be a producer. 

Here are the things you need to consider:


First, you have to think about your concept. Usually I do this around whatever product I am posting about for the campaign. Let's say it's yoga pants. So the concept is me going to a yoga class. With that, I made sure to take a pic of me in the yoga pants, with a sports bra, my yoga mat and my water bottle. 

The concept of a photoshoot is really just the story behind the shoot. A great place to get ideas is Pinterest! You can pin your ideas onto a page (kinda like a mood board) and then you can show that to your photographer (or your insta-husband). 


The next thing is location. Sometimes I already have places in mind. Sometimes I drive around looking for a specific spot. You have to scout! You can also just look at Instagram, and check out location tags. 


After that, I usually think about what I'm going to wear. I use Rent the Runway for this, because I like to wear different outfits for each shoot, but there are lots of rental places like that online that you can use. 

Sometimes I partner with stylists or local designers too! 


You also have to think about timing! The best times to shoot are either early in the morning, or around dusk. You also need to think about WHEN you need to post, so you give yourself enough time to get all the content you need. 

These are all the things a producer would consider before doing a shoot, and now you can do them too! 

Listen to the full episode here:


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Listen to Previous Episodes: 

How to Run Your Business While Traveling

To Video or Not to Video

How to Grow on YouTube featuring Erika Vieira

How to Create an Influencer Business Plan

How to Launch Your First Digital Project featuring Danielle Prahl

Answering the Question: What Do you Do?

Passion to Paycheck featuring Erika De La Cruz

How to Avoid Burnout

The CEO Mindset featuring Ali Daniel

                      Connect with Gwen Lane

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