The Power of Community

the spark show Dec 12, 2019

Welcome to The Spark Show! In this episode, I’m talking about the power of community. 

I’ll be covering: 

  • Why it’s important to build a community vs build an audience (what’s the difference)
  • What makes it a community and how to foster connection 
  • The top 3 ways to build a community 

Build a community, not an audience

When you build a community, you build connection. You’re not just talking at people, you’re talking to them and they’re talking to each other. 

They identify with you on an emotional level and they relate to you as a person. Not just someone they see on your phone, but as a real human being. 

The difference between a community and audience is that an audience watches, they are spectators. They are not involved. A community cares about each other, it’s a safe space for people to share and be vulnerable. 

So how do you make it a community and foster connection? 

You’re the leader of the community so it has to start with you. If you want people to be open and share, then you have to share. 

If you want people to comment, then you have to comment. Are you commenting on your community’s posts? Are you liking their posts? 

If you want people to watch your stories, are you watching theirs? 

The difference between a community and an audience is that they’re not just watching you. You’re not up on stage with all eyes on you. Think of it as you’re in a circle interacting with them. 

This is the way to build connection. You’re not waiting for them to initate, you start the conversation and encourage them to share and speak up. 

You lead the way and they will follow. 

So how do you go about building a community?

Share your story and struggles

Being vulnerable creates connection. There’s never been a time where I shared something that I was challenged with and someone didn’t raise their hand and say, “me too.” 

People crave connection. We are human beings. And in this digital world, it’s even more of a scarcity so when you build that connection on an emotional/human level, you are creating community and not just talking to someone from stage. 

Interact with your community 

Don’t expect to just post and not do any of the work. No you have to start the conversation, keep it going, like, comment, follow, interact. This is the best way to grow your following and your community. 

Encourage them to connect with each other

You can have a name for them, something they identify with. My group calls themselves “Sparks” it just came up randomly. So you can talk to them directly as a group and pretty soon the most active ones start following each other and everyone becomes friends. 

And you’re the facilitator of that energy, that community. It’s a beautiful thing. 

So again, we use the word audience and community interchangeably. But what you really want is a community because there is power in that, there’s power in what you can create with them.

Listen to the full episode here:




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Listen to Previous Episodes: 

How to Use your Enneagram for Success featuring Sarajane Case

The Best of The Spark Show 2019

An Interview with My Instagram Husband, Luke Bearl

The Best Influencer Gifts

The Magic of Live Events

Easy Holiday Content Ideas

Email is NOT dead featuring Gemma Bonham-Carter

How to Build a Six Figure Influencer Business

How to Quit your 9-5 featuring Amy Coats


                      Connect with Gwen Lane

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