How to Create Content During a Crisis

the spark show Mar 23, 2020

Welcome to The Spark Show. In this episode, we are sharing a recent workshop where we discussed how to navigate content creation during this global crisis of COVID-19.

We've been hearing from a lot of our students that they just aren't sure what to post, what they should stay away from, and if talking about what is going on is right or wrong. 

DO'S and DON'TS for posting during COVID-19:

DO address the current situation

DON'T pretend like nothing is happening

DO create with compassion and sensitivity 

DON'T ignore your audience's concerns

Is it ok to be selling my products and services during COVID-19?

We believe that if you have an online business, you absolutely should still be selling. HOWEVER, you definitely want to be mindful of your messaging. Right now, we aren't heavily advertising our courses, but we are still showing up to serve our students. If someone finds us and wants to work with us? Great. 

Regardless of what is going on: you are still a business and you need to make money. And that's ok. 

As always, do it with integrity, honesty and to SERVE your community as best you can. 

Reflect and Repurpose

Another concern we are getting from students is HOW do you continue to create content when we are all on a lockdown right now? 

It's time to reflect and repurpose. 

What does that mean? Change your messaging to be reflections of things you've done in the past. Use this as a time to show your audience things you've already done, places you are dreaming of going, etc. 

You can repurpose old content! So often, we hear people say "but Gwen, that picture is from 3 years ago!" 

The truth is this: nobody is keeping tabs on WHEN your images are from. We promise. Re-use what you have, and make the messaging new. 

Everyone is scared right now, but as leaders, we need to step up and show up every single day, when we can. 

⁣Listen to the full episode here:  



Watch the Masterclass

Book a call with Gwen:

Listen to Previous Episodes: 

How to Pitch Yourself to Podcasts featuring Mai-Kee Tsang

5 Influencer Mistakes to Avoid

How to Work with Brands You Love

Navigating Influencer Dating and Relationships featuring The Spicy Life

How to be a Successful Microinfluencer featuring Kalpana Ravulapati 

                     Connect with Gwen Lane

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