Tips for Working From Home

the spark show May 19, 2020

Welcome to The Spark Show! In this episode, we're sharing our best tips for working from home. 

We started our influencer business, The LA Girl 5 years ago when we were still working in corporate. Eventually, we replaced (and then made MORE than) our full time income and 2 years ago we launched our educational company, The Spark School. 

We've done it all from our home, plus the occasional co-working space, so we know how challenging it can be to stay focused and how important it is to really have a plan. 

So in this episode, we're sharing our top 5 tips that have helped us make a great space at home to work! 

Let's get into it. 

Stick to a Schedule or Routine 

This is one of the most important things you can do! Set a start and stop time for your work each day, set rules and boundaries for people in your space, and definitely make sure you add time for socializing (yes, you can do that on Zoom, FB, Instagram, etc). 

Getting Ready in the Morning

Yes it can seem silly right now to get ready each day, but a big part of what is helping us stay consistent in our business right now is getting up, getting ready and treating the work week as something that is worth getting ready for! 

Have a Dedicated Work Space 

It can be REALLY enticing to sit on the couch and work all day especially if you're used to working outside of the home. But one of THE most important things you can do to increase productivity at home is to have a dedicated work space. 

It can be at your dining room table, just make sure that everything you need to have a great day at work is in the space so you train your brain to get things done when you are in that area of your home! 

Take lots of Breaks 

YES! One of the biggest benefits of working from home is that you can take breaks when you need. Go out for walks. Take that full hour long lunch break that you are owed and get away from your computer. Don't work through lunch! 

Eliminate Distractions 

This can be challenging especially when you are working from home. Turn the TV off. Don't put on a show in the background, try your best to stay off of social media. Instead, set specific time during each day that allows for those things! This way, you know when it's work time, and when it's chill time. 

These tips have helped us not only launch, but scale our businesses to full time incomes for our home. 

Listen to the full episode here: 





Watch the Masterclass

Listen to Previous Episodes: 

Using your Influence for Good

Virtual Photoshoots featuring Ashleigh Taylor

How to Find Balance in the Chaos

How to Pivot Your Content featuring Lindsay Myers

The Right Time to Launch Your Online Business     

                     Connect with Gwen Lane

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