How to Create Content at Home

the spark show Jun 10, 2020

Welcome to The Spark Show! In this episode, I'll be talking about ways that you can get creative when it comes to creating content while staying at home.

You’re already creative, but right now you may not have access to things that you would have before like restaurants, events, and a photographer. Here are some ideas to help you get extra creative with your content: 

Repurposing Content

One easy way to create content while at home is to use content that you already have! You can effortlessly scroll through your camera roll and post your old photos.

I don't know about you guys, but I have about 40,000 photos in my camera. Why? Because, whenever I'm out somewhere, I would take multiple photos knowing that I'm going to repurpose them later on. I want you to also do this, not just now when we're staying home, but all the time, and keeping in mind when you're shooting to take a bunch of photos so you can use them later, not just for the day of, not just for that time, but any time, so that you have content for the entire year. Go through your camera roll and also take a look at all the videos that you can possibly use moving forward. 

It's nice when I look through my camera roll because there are so many trips I've taken and photos that I didn't get to post before that I think it's kind of fun to reminisce on those moments. 

I just go through my pictures and I favorite them in my camera roll. Then, I go back and edit them and I post them in my Planoly. We teach all of this content planning inside The Spark Society VIP program.

You can also use hashtags like MotivationMonday, TravelTuesday, TBT, and FlashbackFriday. 

Even if we're not staying at home, you should still repurpose old photos because we have so much content and no one's going to look back and scroll down to three months ago and say, "Oh, you posted this photo already." Everyone already forgot about it. I feel like if I repurpose and repost all of my photos from the last three months, then I would probably be able to have a year's worth of content. 

Make sure that you are being smart about creating content and being able to repurpose that content. For example, a lot of my holiday content that I did this last holiday was from previous holidays. 

If you already have a set of photos for different events and different seasons of the year, like fall, then you can use them for next fall. You can use them for next winter. It doesn't have to be that timely and it doesn't have to be that you're doing these things today. 

Especially now, that is something that I think people are totally fine with because they don't expect you to be shooting outside. Your followers are probably not going to say, "Hey, let me look at this photo and see if she's posted this before or let me look at this shirt and see if she's worn it before."

We can't be focused on our fear of people judging us. 

Be a Producer

It's time to put your production hat on and pretend your home is a set! If you're a producer and the team says, "This is the set you have to work with," this is what you have to work with, right? You can't complain. You can't say you need another set.

So, do an audit of your home and the places that you have access to and start looking at where you can shoot. Look at where the windows are for good lighting. Also, ask yourself if you can rearrange the furniture around you. It's important to work with what you have. 

In episode 79, I spoke with photographer Ashleigh Taylor who pivoted to creating her photoshoots virtually and conducting them over Zoom. 

Producers also always have an editorial calendar to keep track of everything. You should know which social media days, holidays, and events are coming up. 

Remember to be mindful of what you’re currently doing more of, especially if it's a new hobby you have picked up, and be sure to share it with your audience.  

Take a Walk 

Go around your neighborhood to look for places to shoot. Keep an eye out for walls, alleys, and even empty streets (now that there’s less traffic) that would make a great place for you to take a picture at. 

Also, try to shoot around sunrise or sunset (the golden hour) to get the most ideal lighting for your photos. Remember that you don’t need a professional camera. You can use your phone and now is your time to learn how to edit.

Listen to the full episode here:  





Watch the Masterclass

Listen to Previous Episodes: 

Diversity in Influencer Marketing featuring Chris Han

Tips for Working From Home

Using your Influence for Good

Virtual Photoshoots featuring Ashleigh Taylor


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