The 5 Stages of Influencer Success

influencers Nov 07, 2018

When I first started The LA Girl in 2014, I had no idea what I was doing. It was just a hobby and it felt like nobody even knew it existed.

It took me YEARS to figure out the strategies to really start growing my following and work with brands.

Now, I have brands reaching out to me on a daily basis and I've worked with companies like Nike, Target, Starbucks, Nordstrom, Capital One, General Motors, United Airlines, and more!

This roadmap will help you walk through the stages of influencer success and what you should focus on at each stage.

Stage One: Build Your Brand

If you're just starting out, you need clarity on your audience, branding and content. The more specific you get on your audience the better. 

Stage Two: Map Your Strategy

Here is where you set your game plan. What platforms will you post on? How often will you post? What is your aesthetic?

Stage Three: Grow Your Influence

This stage is all about growth, reach, and engagement. You've got the basics down, now it's time to build your audiences, e-mail lists, and expand your empire.

Stage Four: Build Your Portfolio

Your influence is now growing - time to put together your portfolio. To do this, you need to start featuring products, attending events and participating in brand collaborations so that you can add it into your portfolio. Your portfolio consists of your media kit, rate card, and case studies

Stage Five: Monetize Your Influence

Here is a big stage - monetization. This is where you decide if this is just going to be a hobby or a business and source of income for you. In this stage, it's important to focus on securing brand sponsorships, monetizing your blog through affiliate links, and exploring advertising opportunities. 

If you have any questions, head over to my free Facebook group community, Spark Society, with over 2,000 digital influencers!


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